Last update2016/05/28 14:38

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J-Link Flash SDK

J-Link Flash SDK


An enhanced version of the J-Link SDK, which contains additional API functions for Flash programming. The add. API functions (Prefixed JLINKARM_FLASH_) allow erasing and programming the flash memory. This DLL comes with a sample executable, as well as with source code of this executable and a project file. It can be an interesting option if you want to write your own programs for production purposes. This DLL also requires an extra license from SEGGER; please contact このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 .com for more information.

Additional API functions included in the Flash SDK

The following table lists the additional Flash SDK API routines:

Flash functions
Routine Explanation
JLINKARM_FLASH_AddBank() Adds a flash bank.
JLINKARM_FLASH_DelBank() Deletes a flash bank.
JLINKARM_FLASH_SetBankPara() Sets a bank parameter.
JLINKARM_FLASH_SetClockSpeed() Sets the CPU clock speed.
JLINKARM_FLASH_EraseRequired() Erases all required sectors to program data file.
JLINKARM_FLASH_Program() Programs data file into flash memory.
JLINKARM_FLASH_Verify() Compares data file with memory content.
JLINKARM_FLASH_OpenDataFile() JLINKARM_FLASH_OpenDataFile() Opens a data file.
JLINKARM_FLASH_CloseDataFile() Closes a data file.
JLINKARM_FLASH_GetNumLoadedBytes() JLINKARM_FLASH_GetNumLoadedBytes() Returns number of bytes in data file.